Daily Archives: March 12, 2011

Buycott Wisconsin

A website, which shall remain nameless to avoid giving them any additional publicity, has put together a list of PACs and businesses that supported Walker in the last election. They are trying to organize a boycott of these companies. Why? Because they haven’t issued statements supporting the unions or not supporting Walker’s collective bargaining-limiting bill. Nice, eh?

But no worries. The rest of us are using the information to organize a buycott. So if you have a chance to do so, please show your support of the following companies however you can.

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A Great Liberal Pingback

Someone with whom I’ve been arguing about class warfare posted the following entry on her blog, which pingedback to mine (emphasis added):

I probably won’t be able to put up a post for a day or two, even though it’s spring break, but I will direct readers to a small tiff I had with someone who supports restricting public union collective bargaining rights in Wisconsin … this new blog where the exchange occurs was just founded, so could it be one of the supposed corporate-funded twitter and blog accounts that are said to be popping up mysteriously around the topic. This person claims to be a woman but writes like a man, see if you agree when you see the whole dialogue–  Dems/Libs Guilty of Class Warfare.

Beware of incoming ad hominems flying from the right.

Is that not the funniest thing ever to come out of a liberal? Its definitely the funniest thing I’ve heard in quite some time. Men and women write differently? I have to wonder if that comment is a dig against men or against women. I can’t tell. Is she implying that women write more intelligently than men or vice versa? Either way, it’s a pretty telling comment, in my opinion.

BTW, I’m pretty sure its clear who the person is that’s throwing ad hominems around. Smile I wonder if she knows what the term actually means. Somehow, I doubt it.