Daily Archives: March 11, 2011

Private Unions vs. Public Unions

People often ask me why I’m against unions. I’m not. I’m against public unions. I don’t care one way or another about private unions because the only people they affect are the private union members and their employers.

The fact of the matter is that public union workers cost the state, and, as a result, the taxpayers, money. They do not create jobs nor do they increase the income of anyone except union leaders and Democrats who want to retain power. They cost the taxpayers a great deal of money, often for little return. They prevent good workers from getting or keeping jobs due to seniority and make it impossible to fire people who deserve to be fired. This article explains things better than I can (quoted in part below, emphasis added by me):

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Dems/Libs Guilty of Class Warfare

Class warfare. It has been a recurring theme for many Dems/libs on Twitter in the past three weeks, since Governor Walker released his budget repair bill. They scream that Governor Walker and every other Republican and/or Tea Partier (they can’t seem to understand the difference between the two so I’ll collectively refer to them hereafter as “the right” to avoid confusing them further) is guilty of class warfare by wanting to curb union “rights.” They yell constantly about how the middle and lower classes are under attack by the right. So let’s take a look at who really is guilty of class warfare here.

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Union Thugs Disrespecting Our Capitol

And here we have a video of the total disrespect people have for our State Capitol building – not surprising seeing as how so many of them are from out-of-state and/or liberals who think this is the 60s and they rule the world. I’d really like to hear from someone who thinks this kind of behavior is defensible and appropriate.