Daily Archives: March 10, 2011

Union Thugs Target M&I

In a letter to M&I President Tom Ellis, teachers, firefighters and police unions have threatened to begin boycotting M&I if they don’t speak out publicly and side with the unions against Governor Walker.

"In the event that you cannot support this effort to save collective bargaining, please be advised that the undersigned will publicly and formally boycott the goods and services provided by your company," the letter says. "However, if you join us, we will do everything in our power to publicly celebrate your partnership in the fight to preserve the right of public employees to be heard at the bargaining table."

The unions have also stated (and apparently have started) they will boycott any businesses that backed Walker in the election.

Yeah, no thuggery there, right?

Two-Faced Democrats

So, as most people are aware by now, the Wisconsin Senate passed a bill last night to limit public unions’ collective bargaining issues. Since the Senate Democrats immorally and unethically fled the state to prevent a quorum on the budget repair bill, thereby holding the state hostage and putting 12,000-15,000 at risk, the Senators who remained to do their jobs were left with no other choice than to separate the collective bargaining-related issues from the budget repair bill and vote on them separately, which passed by an 18-1 vote.

The Democrats and pro-union supporters are now screaming about how they shoved this through without them and that by doing so, they violated laws and acted unethically. Whether or not they did so will be up to the court to decide. However, what they did is no more unethical than the Democrats leaving the state en masse without notice to prevent a vote that they didn’t like. As I stated in a previous post, the Democrats have clearly lied about the reason why they left. They initially claimed it was because they wanted to give everyone a chance to read the bill before it was “rushed” through for a vote. Three weeks have passed – clearly enough time for even the most illiterate person to read every page and look up all of the words in the dictionary that they couldn’t understand (or have someone else do it and explain it to them). Its quite obvious that they left because they no longer have a majority and weren’t going to get their way, which is what they’ve been used to. The emails released showing Governor Walker’s attempts at discussing concessions and trying to bargain in good faith clearly show that the Democrats had no intention of discussing the bill honestly and with integrity.

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